Make yourself at home, here at Point Pleasant SDA.

Point Pleasant SDA Church is a community of faith that loves God, cares for each other, and brings light to the world.


Visiting on a Saturday Morning

Visiting a new church can be intimidating.  We want you to feel comfortable here, so here’s some information that will help you know what to expect when you visit.  
We have a casual, come as you are, environment.  We think it’s important to feel comfortable and show up just as we are.

Next Events

Can't make it on Saturday morning? Looking for other opportunities to connect with fellow believers? Join us at any of these upcoming events!

Worship Service
Sat 2/8 9:30 am
Bible Study
Sat 2/8 11:00 am
Small Groups at Power at the Point with Michael
Tue 2/11 5:30 pm
Small Groups at Power at the Point with Richard
Wed 2/12 3:15 pm

Welcome Home

Point Pleasant is a group of people who strive to be more like Jesus every day.  We come from all walks of life, but we’re all on this journey together.  Together, we’re learning to love others as Jesus does, discovering what it means to worship God in spirit and truth, and trusting Him in our lives.

        If you are on this journey or would like to know more about it, this is the place for you.

Welcome to Point Pleasant SDA!


4751 Ripley Rd
Point Pleasant, WV 25550

Get directions

Every Saturday

9:30am: Worship Service

11:00am: Bible Study

1st Saturday of Every Month

12:15pm: Potluck


6:30pm: Prayer Meeting